Our Goal
The 10 Day Art Challenge is an intense and invigorating 10 school days in which students create an original theatrical performance in just 10 school days -- during their theater art class periods only!
On Day 1, the Challenge will release to the students the character, backstory, line and prop that must be in the performance. Then, 10 school days later, the finished performance must be ready for the stage and judging. Finally, the best performances, depending upon your state, will be held at a local theater as part of an awards ceremony. Raising the bar for student artists is our goal and this is how we do it. |
Our Mission
Founded by educators with over 50 combined years in creative and performing art education and the private sector, the 10 Day Theater Challenge is a competition that is ideal for the 21st Century classroom.
This competition challenges all students to think creatively and critically while enhancing artistic literacy. Our mission is to provide all students with a free, comprehensive, fair and competitive outlet for their work, while giving their teachers the opportunity to assess the students' ability to think and perform in a dynamic, fast-paced and rigorous learning environment. |
Our Non Profit
The 10 Day Theater Challenge is free for all students and teachers. It is funded by our parent non-profit corporation, Arts Equality. Arts Equality, funded by private and corporate donors and local, state, and federal grants, strives to create opportunities for all young people, whether in affluent or underprivileged areas, to become actively involved in the arts. Exposing young people to these exciting and challenging fields will foster creativity while igniting an interest in all areas of the fine, practical and performing arts.